ACD Testimonials

Mark Price, back at what he loves to do after ACD surgery peformed
by Dr. Schiffer. The patients in the Testimonials list below
have had the same procedure as Mark Price pictured in the photo above.
April 19, 2004
Dr. Stanton Schiffer
3868 Mowry Avenue
Fremont, Ca.94538
Surgery: Anterior cervical discectomy C5-6
Cervical Endoscopic Disc. C4-5
Surgery Date: July 23, 2002
Dear Dr. Schiffer:
I just wanted to give you an update on the quality of my life
since surgery, as it has changed so much for the better..
Prior to finding you, I had chronic neck pain for fifteen years,
and lost my quality of life. I could no longer work, sit and watch
a movie, enjoy dinner in a restaurant, or engage in various other
activities that many people take for granted. I sought help from
many of the major spine center hospitals in San Francisco, only
to be kept waiting for hours to see a doctor, treated with indifference,
and a recommendation of radical surgery or nothing at all. My life
became a vicious cycle of chronic pain and hopelessness, so I then
turned to alternative medical practitioners for treatment, but
only experienced temporary relief for
my condition.
I am happy to report that my neck pain no longer exists as a result
of the surgical procedure you performed on me. Your philosophy
of minimal invasive surgery and common sense approach to treat
the whole person, not just the injury, has made a profound difference
in my life. Thank you for giving me my life back!
Elena McClain