Dr. Stan Schiffer is an internationally known spinal surgeon who
trained at the Cleveland Clinic and is presently on the clinical
teaching staff at the University of California San Francisco Department
of Neurosurgery.
Not all surgeons are alike. Innovations in surgical technology
have enabled a handful of uniquely talented surgeons to perform
minimally disruptive surgery, resulting in less discomfort and faster
recovery for you, the patient.
Dr. Stan Schiffer has specialized in minimally invasive surgery
for herniated cervical and lumbar discs since 1987, and has performed
over 1,900 procedures.
These unique outpatient procedures frequently
allow patients to feel relief immediately after the surgery is
and the surgery usually lasts only 40 minutes. After the surgery,
the vast majority of the herniated
cervical disk patients are relieved of their neck and arm
pain, and the lumbar
herniated disk patients
are relieved of their back and leg pain. Using an operating microscope
Dr. Schiffer also performs more traditional spinal operations
as anterior
cervical discectomy
for cervical spine spondylosis (arthritic spurs). He also performs anterior
cervical fusions for patients who demonstrate instability
on radiologic studies.
Many of our patients
are physically active and are involved in physical labor and various
sports activities. Dr. Schiffer is keenly aware of their need to
return to their previous performance level and tries very hard to
achieve it. Also, because of Dr. Schiffer's reputation, many of
his patients come from throughout the United States, as well as
internationally. We have many patients from various fields of medicine,
i.e., physicians, nurses, chiropractors, and psychologists, as well
as pilots, police and fire personnel, etc.