ACD Testimonials

Mark Price, back at what he loves to do after ACD surgery peformed
by Dr. Schiffer. The patients in the Testimonials list below
have had the same procedure as Mark Price pictured in the photo above.
Dear Dr. Schiffer,
I am writing to let you know how incredibly wonderful I feel
after having my ACD/CED surgery that you performed on my C5-6 and
C6-7 discs on March 9, 2004. Immediately following the surgery,
I was able to use my right arm and hand again. I cannot begin to
express to you, your staff, and the Pleasanton Surgery Center staff
how thankful I am for the exceptionally attentive care that I received.
I sustained cervical injuries in December 1997 when I was hit
from behind by another car. Since the accident occurred I had been
in physical therapy without much success. In 2000, the neck pain
was getting increasingly worse and had also begun to affect my
thoracic region, right arm, and hands as well. I had an MRI performed
which showed several herniated disks. I was told to continue physical
therapy and was prescribed anti-inflammatory medication. Also,
due to pain, I was not able to sleep for more than a few hours
each night. Unfortunately, the never-ending pain, lack of sleep,
and inability to exercise regularly began to make my situation
much worse. I went back to my physician to try to explain how much
my condition was affecting my work, and everyday life. My hand
strength was growing increasingly weaker. I was told that my hand
and arm pain was not related and was put into hand/arm physical
therapy, After 6 months of this physical therapy there were still
no improvements. At that time, was prescribed antidepressants since
chronic pain and lack of sleep can cause severe depression. However,
after three and a half years of physical therapy for my neck and
thoracic region, my condition continued to get much worse.
By July 2003, I began having numbness in my hands and right
arm. I had another MRI performed that showed that the condition
of my herniated disks had indeed worsened and was causing compression
of nerves. Again, I was re-assigned to more physical therapy, traction,
and a cervical epidural. The epidural increased the pain in my
right arm and had. At this point, I realized that all that was
being treated were the symptoms and not the cause of the symptoms.
I requested a referral to a neurosurgeon. I was told by the neurosurgeon,
who was the department head of a major university hospital neurosurgery
department, that I would need double level discectomy surgery with
fusion. However, due to my relatively young age he suggested that
I get a second opinion to see if any other surgical treatments,
other than what techniques the university hospital use, are available.
I requested a second opinion and was seen by a neurosurgeon at
another Brain and Spine Institution. Again, I was told by a second
neurosurgeon that I would need a double level discectomy with fusion.
I am 36 year-old genetics research assistant. After being told
by two neurosurgeons that surgery was required for my disc problems,
I began to utilize my research skills for my own well-being. Fortunately,
I discovered Dr. Schiffer’s name and contacted his email
via his web page. Within a couple of days I received a call from
physician assistant. I sent my MRI films via overnight mail to
Dr. Schiffer. I received a call from Dr. Schiffer within a few
days with great news. He stated that he would be able to do the
surgery without fusion. This was fantastic news for me since I
had always lived a very active lifestyle before my car accident
had occurred 6 years earlier. I enjoyed hiking, biking, tennis,
skating, fishing and jewelry making. I had not been able to enjoy
any of these activities since my accident. I was very hopeful after
my call with Dr. Schiffer that I may soon be able to return to
a lifestyle that was pain free.
Within approximately one and a half months after my first contact
with Dr. Schiffer’s staff, I was on my way to California
from Michigan for my surgery. My experience with Dr. Schiffer,
his staff, and the staff at the Pleasanton Surgical Center was
the first rate. Everything I experienced exceeded far beyond my
expectations. I had a pre-surgical consultation that consisted
of a physical exam and a detailed discussion of the surgical technique.
The next day I had my surgery. While in recovery, just hours after
I had my surgery, I was amazed at how much of my hand strength
and arm range of motion had returned. A nurse remained in the room
with me the entire night to make sure that I was not experiencing
any discomfort.
Because it had been greater than 6 years of having herniated disks
and pinched nerves, a lot of my pectoral and trapezius muscles
have atrophied thus causing me a more lengthy recovery. However,
even with this interference to my recovery, the first three months
of my recovery after surgery I could feel improvements daily. It
has been a little over three months since my surgery and my only
regret is that I did not have it done sooner. My neck and arm pain
is gone. My range of motion is better than it has been in over
4 years and I feel great. My reasons for writing this letter are
firstly to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Schiffer, his staff
and the staff at the Pleasanton Surgery Center, secondly to inform
anyone who is suffering as I had, that the minimally invasive micro
surgery and endoscopic surgical techniques that Dr. Schiffer uses
are far better than the fusion surgery that is currently being
used by other neurosurgeons, and thirdly that other neurosurgeons
observe the successes of the minimally invasive techniques and
adopt them in their own practice or promote them in their surgery
departments. I believe that I am very fortunate to have had the
opportunity to have Dr. Schiffer perform my surgery. I believe
Dr. Schiffer’s surgical technique is the gold standard for
damaged disc surgery. I would like to see other people with disc
problems have the chance to receive the same minimally invasive
treatment that I did and not have to settle for the limiting surgical
procedure that includes fusion that is currently being used by
most neurosurgeons.
Thank you for the great care.
Theresa Kijek.