The X-STOP® procedure
The procedure may be performed in either the operating room or special procedures
room at the hospital. Using local anesthesia and with the help of X-ray guidance,
the X-STOP implant is inserted through a small incision in the skin of your
back. Alternatively, your surgeon may elect to use general anesthesia.
You will be placed on your side during the procedure so that you can bend
your spine when the X-STOP is inserted. The surgery to implant the X-STOP
typically lasts 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half. During this time you
may be awake and able to communicate with your doctor.
Why may X-STOP® IPD work?
The X-STOP implant is designed to keep the space between your spinous processes
open, so that when you stand upright the nerves in your back will not be
pinched or cause pain. With the X-STOP implant in place, you should not need
to bend
forward to relive your symptoms.

IPD offers several benefits compared to traditional surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis, including:
- the option of local anesthesia
- the potential to be an outpatient procedure
- usually no removal of bone or soft tissue allowing for potentially quicker recovery
- fully reversible procedure that does not limit any future non-surgical and surgical treatment options
©2005 St. Francis Medical Technologies, Inc.